Monday, September 21, 2009


No matter how hard you plan your life. Life has a plan for you on it's own. Life being what it is - a series of intersecting lives and incidents, out of anyone's control...resistance is futile (Wedding Daze, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Star Trek).

If that's what life is all about, then my answer to it is NO! with a big N and O. NO! life's plan sucks.

im starting to find peace. im starting to be ok again. so please life, leave me alone. i want no more surprises of the very disruptive kind. actually, im wondering, how the hell do you plan to execute your plan? i mean, really, is this how you do it? by being a pest?

im one of those people who believe there's no such thing as coincidence and everything happens for a fucking reason. so far life you havent given me a good reason.

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