why is it im a waiter?
i looked up the word "wait" in a dictionary and here is what it has to say about the word "wait":
a. To remain or rest in expectation
b. To remain or be in readiness
c. To remain inactive in one place while expecting something.
d. time during which some action is awaited
e. stay in one place and anticipate or expect something
f. look forward to the probable occurrence of
ok, all of them means the same thing. point is, why do i always wait for things to happen? like im some disinterested or indifferent being not affected by what's happening in this world. i just sit there and let things happen and if nothing happens, so be it. and what made me think about this? i dont know, it just crossed my mind. well, not really. it just so happens that i have nothing to do at the moment. its 30 mins before midnight and i would like to watch a movie (and ive already seen 3 movies in less than a week!). of course, i cant watch a movie at this time of night. so, what can i do? i cant make anything happen in my favor, now can i? so i will just have to wait. wait a minute, that's not the kind of waiting im talking about! its really hard to talk to myself lately, i mean, there is only one mind but i dont even get what i am saying to myself. how messed up is that?
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